January 7, 2022 by Klaus Crow
I wish everybody an awesome new year from the bottom of my heart. A new year means a new start with new opportunities, new goals, new challenges, new ways to be creative and new chances to really improve and upgrade your guitar game!
I personally love the beginning of a new year. For me it’s a moment to think about who I want to be, what I want to accomplish and how I want to redesign and improve the quality of my life.
I know, not everybody does new years resolutions, but I see it more as a way to set positive and true intentions for 2021, creating a new start that makes you feel good about yourself, to challenge yourself and to set your dream goals in motion and have something to look forward to. Yes, you can do that anytime of the year, so why not right now?
I always start with writing down my goals. Some goals have been on my list for years, they are continuous goals, but I have certainly achieved some of my new goals as well. I’ve got goals for music, body, mind, work and family. You could also create categories like happiness, fun or whatever you come up with, but for me these are already integrated into the other categories.
I like to have some continuous goals, some end goals, new exciting goals to challenge myself, goals to have fun with it, and goals to feel alive.
Think about the person you would like to be at the end of this year. What would you like to have accomplished? What would make you feel good? What skills would you like to develop, improve and acquire?
Let’s get specific here. What are you guitar goals? Do you want to learn new songs? Expand your chord vocabulary? Improve you licks, soloing and improvisation skills? Learn to write songs? Practice more and really make more time for your practice and schedule it? Don’t let these thoughts just wander in your mind. Write them down on paper.
Research tells people who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them. So write them down. Believe me, it’s fun, and it will pay off!
Here are some of my goals, intentions and challenges for the year:
Improve my guitar skills (soloing and improvisation, licks and intervals) write songs, record songs, do daily or at least regular vocal exercises, learn and memorize a repertoire of songs, Play and jam with other musicians and friends, and hopefully perform before a live audience again.
Wim Hof Method, run, no snacks or treats in the morning and after 8 p.m, drink 2 liters of water per day, daily stretching/yoga, and sleep at least 7 to 8 hours.
Discipline my mind, read more, meditate, live in awareness throughout the day as much as possible, learn to see the beauty and the joy in everything that I do including chores, tasks, and things I normally don’t like as much, and let go of control.
Wake up early to do work, outsource things to other people that can do them better and faster than me, or to turn it around, do more of what I do best.
Family and friends:
Quality time with my family. Listening and talking with my kids about things they enjoy. Pause and observe my kids when they are being kids. Let them be free to explore their own journey. Spend quality time with my wife. Spend one on one time with each of my kids. Schedule more time with friends.
I hope you accomplish your goals, intentions and challenges in the year 2021. I would be great if you could share some of them in the comments. I’d appreciate that and I’d love to read them.
Have a great year and stay safe!
Klaus, happy new year to you too.
I will definitely improve my guitar game this year. Thanx for the inspiration.
Now back to the fretboard!
Hi Rene,
That’s the spirit. Let’s make 2021 the year we really improve our guitar game.
Have a great one!
Positive attitude always works. In this world we need more positive things and more guitar and music. Thanks for a great blog.
I certainly want to play, sing and record the songs in my head in 2021!
Hi Michael,
Indeed playing music, creating music and listening to music connects people.
Thanks for you comment. I appreciate it.
Hi Efefiong,
That’s a great goal. Just take small steps each day. Set aside 10 minutes a day to take one step towards that goal.
It works.
Klaus Crow
Wow great post. Inspiring. Happy New Year!
Hi Richard,
We all need some inspiration now and then to get the fire burning.
Now let’s take action and set our goals in motion.
Happy new year buddy!
Klaus Crow
Hi Klaus! Happy 2021 to you and everyone else here! I also want to work on specific goals. My first was to get a voice teacher helping me find out how use my now aging voice in a healthy way. The second is to seriously start writing down my song ideas.
Hi Inger,
Yes, go get a voice coach. Set that goal in action for 2021.
Once you have a voice coach the ball starts rolling and it’s off your “someday” list.
I’ve also starting writing lyrics again. Just tell yourself to write one line a day.
If you end up with two or more that’s great, but that’s not the point.
If you set yourself up to write one line a day, and don’t make the goal too big to handle, you’re going to stick with it.
Have a great year Inger!
Klaus Crow
Thanks for this Klaus – and good luck with your goals for 2021. Still haven’t written down my aims for the year yet. A big one is to make sense of all the guitar knowledge I’ve acquired and put it to good use in a creative sense – ie. write and play songs.
Hi Ray,
Maybe it’s time to write a song, to take all that acquired knowledge and turn it into something creative and tangible.
A great goal for 2021. Think about it. ;)
Here are some tips: