May 15, 2019 by Klaus Crow
For all you blues beginners out there, in this video I will teach you the A pentatonic scale and three basic blues licks that use this scale.
The Pentatonic scale is the most often used scale for soloing and improvising in blues and rock. If you are just starting out in blues you should definitely check out this video. The 3 blues licks are free and for you to use in your own improvisation. Copy them, rip them apart, turn them around and make them your own. Use the pentatonic scale to create your own licks and solos. Be cool!
Tablature explanation:
p = pull off
h = hammer on
bd = bend down
bu = bend up
\ = slide
A MINOR PENTATONIC SCALE: (The red notes indicate the root notes) e:------------------------5-8---8-5-------------------------| B:--------------------5-8-----------8-5---------------------| G:---------------5-7--------------------7-5-----------------| D:----------5-7-----------------------------7-5-------------| A:-----5-7--------------------------------------7-5---------| E:-5-8----------------------------------------------8-5-----|LICK #1: e:----------------------------------------------------------| B:----------------------------------------------------------| G:-------5bd------------------------------------------------| D:-7p5--------7-5----5h7------------------------------------| A:-----7-----------7----------------------------------------| E:----------------------------------------------------------|LICK #2: e:----------------------------------------------------------| B:-----5-8--------------------------------------------------| G:-7bu-----7bu-7-5bd----------------------------------------| D:----------------------------------------------------------| A:----------------------------------------------------------| E:----------------------------------------------------------|LICK #3: e:----------------------------------------------------------| B:----------------------------------------------------------| G:----------------------------------------------------------| D:----------5---5--7-5-7------------------------------------| A:-5\7-5-7----7---------------------------------------------| E:----------------------------------------------------------|If this lesson is easy for you to play and you really want to get good at blues licks, soloing and improvisation across the entire neck, then check out the 50CoolBluesLicksImprovisation course
Klaus, thanks for your hard work! At 60 years old, I’m returning to the guitar after 40 years away. Your site is one of my favorites because of the way you blend technique with cognition and philosophy.
Don’t stop!
Hi Stacy,
Thank you for reading my posts.
How wonderful to hear you started playing guitar again after such a long time. That is awesome!
I hope I can keep on expanding your knowledge and motivate you along the way.
Keep on rocking!
Klaus Crow
Hey, great lesson, i was looking for some cool licks to add to my soloing. Keep up the good work :)
You are the greatest Klaus
Thanks for your awesome website
Awesome Klaus…………. This is a good motivation licks for me to practice pentatonic scales
Hi Klaus, thank you for a great website! I’m new in the guitar world, and I learn a lot by reading you articles and practicing your examples, thank you for sharing!!
I’ve been a buddhist for 14 years, and I particularly like your spiritual and all-inclusive approch to guitar playing, cool.
I cannot access your videos (i.e. “3 Basic Blues Licks Using The Pentatonic Scale” etc.), I get the message “Dieses Video ist privat”, what to do?
All the best. Peter, Germany
Hi Peter,
Nice to hear a real buddhist likes guitarhabits.
I fixed the problem. You can watch the video now safe and sound.
Thanks for mentioning. I appreciate it.
Best regards
Klaus Crow
This is brilliant! Thanks for this! I’m just learning my scales and this is pretty helpful. I’ll definitely be following this site from now on.
Hello Klaus,
For these exercises, do you have recommendations for the right hand picking? I’ve been mixing it up between what feels right and strict alternate picking.
Enjoying learning… Thanks for simply placing your camera to make the fretboard more visible…. Something that simple makes it easier for me to learn… I really appreciate your site. Keep the vids coming….
I’m french, sort for my english
So simply Thank !!!!!
great explanation and examples. I am learning these 5 pentatonic shapes and it is fantastic to hear and see such cool musical examples. it actually makes me want to practice. thank you so much.
anthony clemmons
Peut tu détailler le mouvement de ton super vibrato ?
Can you detail the movement of your super vibrato?
Thank you
scale is a minor pentatonic
Hey! First time here and I love it! I played a little guitar back in high school but it’s been 20 years since I’ve practiced anything. Thanks to blogs like this I’m already sounding like I know what I’m doing! I run a recording blog about Pro Tools if you’re at all interested. Cheers!
Cool site. it’s one of my favorit guitar website. Thank you
Best regards
Great stuff! The beautiful part is that you can combine these licks into longer phrases. Or you can take separate parts of the lick and combine then in different order to make a new lick and combine those again;)
This is why I love blues – because there is no limit to what you can do with those 6 notes.
Thank you for great licks, good sir.